Happy birthday! Love this post. So entertaining and so true. I’ve recognised over the past month how out of touch I am with a lot of society - it’s amazing, especially in corporate environments, how you become so surrounded by people like you and you just don’t see it. Well done on art school! Well done on owning it! I’m in awe 💛

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May 25Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

Thank you, I really enjoyed reading this and must share it as I know other Substack followers of mine are of a similar age (well I'm 54, much older than you!) and will get it too. Happy birthday!

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So you are also a fine young woman! Thanks for reading and your lovely comment x

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This is fab Rebecca

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May 26Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

A belated happy birthday and I am so pleased to have discovered your posts. As a late bloomer returning to art after career in teaching, this is a very happy discovery.

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May 26Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

Happy Birthday and what a brilliant list. 🎉🙌

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May 25Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

So good—I love this. Happy birthday!! xx

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Thank you lovely x

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May 25Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

so good …

happy birthday ! 🤍

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I just love your writing, Rebecca. Happy Birthday!

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May 25Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

Happy Birthday. This made me smile broadly, remembering my 40th birthday at art school. There are things I wish I hadn’t taken so seriously, even at that age x

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May 25Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

Insightful and giggle producing at all the right moments. Cheat codes. Brilliant. It's quite fun getting older really, a privilege, and knowing that with each year that passes I am becoming more me than I've ever been before. X

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May 25Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

I love this! And happy birthday.

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May 25Liked by Rebecca Armstrong

Brilliant. One of my struggles is to not keep mixed groups of youth “guys”. The angry glares I’ve received could knock me right back into the 90s.

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This is wonderful. And happy birthday!

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I just love this 🥰

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I’m in my 30s and would desperately love to go to art school and damn now I know it’s possible!! Lovely read.

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It is possible! And I so hope you get to do it too x

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Excellent article thank you very much

I went to our school at the age of 69, Carmarthen School of Art. I started on the 'Access course' which is a kind of foundation. After five weeks they booted me upstairs to join the degree course Fine Art: Painting, Drawing and Printmaking. It was a remarkable year, I learnt so much, especially about Painting. One of the tutors, Cath would be spitting out advice, comments and great ideas. I started to write them down - eventually I wrote it up as Rules for Painting. I look at it most days now. I left after the first year, moving to a different part of the country.

Oh and the rules? Here they are https://timbaynesart.blogspot.com/2022/03/rules-for-painters-rules-for-life.html

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